"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." July 20, 1969 is the date Neil Armstrong said that -- the day that he was on the moon! A kid named Willie Hopkins and his family didn't miss one second of the moon landing that was broadcast on television.
"Mom, someday I'm going to go to the moon!" Willie exclaimed.
"Son, if you have the motivation to do it, I'm sure you'll be walking on the moon like Neil is right now."
Willie was determined he would make it to the moon no matter what. He didn't need NASA either. He could build his own rocket and fly into space all alone. Willie listened to his mother's words, and thirty-one years later, in the year 2000, at forty-one years old, he was ready to start his journey. He had a great plan to build his rocket. He went to college and majored in science and engineering. His only problem was he didn't have enough money to get the supplies. Willie decided to start doing some fundraisers. He stood on the side of the road selling hot dogs. That got him a couple hundred dollars.
"That's some good money," Willie said. "But it isn't enough to build a rocket." Finally, Willie quit being stubborn. He wrote a letter to NASA that said:
Dear NASA,
My name is Willie Hopkins. I was born to be an astronaut. I went to college and everything. The thing is, I need a lot of money. So I was wondering if you could help me out with my rocket. I want and need to be the thirteenth man on the moon. Please, please help me out.
Willie Hopkins
Willie was a little doubtful that NASA would help him, or even respond. Surprisingly, exactly two weeks later, a letter from NASA was in his mailbox. Willie jumped up and down when he saw the envelope. He ran back inside to his house squeezing the letter to death. Willie ripped up the envelope and read:
Dear Willie,
Usually we would say no to someone requesting to walk on the moon after so many years. But we love your motivation! Come on down to NASA and we'll get started right away.
Willie was starstruck. His jaw was opened so wide it started to hurt his mouth. So he closed it. After moments of silence, Willie dropped the letter and jumped up, then down, then up, then down, and repeated that for five minutes. Then he picked up the letter, shot out of the door, and entered his car. Ding-Dong! Willie rang his mother's doorbell. His seventy year-old mother opened the door.
"Why, Willie, what a pleasant surprise," she said. "What is it?"
"Mom," Willie said. "I wrote NASA a letter to tell them I need help with the rocket and this is what they sent me." Willie held up the letter trying to look and sound disappointed to trick his mother.
"OH MY!!" his mom yelled. "Your going to be on the MOON!" Willie joined her and shouted too.
"I am going to watch you walking on the moon on television. Make sure you wave," she added.
"Why, Mom, you don't even have to bring it up. I'll being waving my hands in the air like a wild man!"
Two days later Willie was at NASA. A man who was without hair, had a beard, and had a mustache walked up to Willie and shook his hand.
"Hello, Willie," he said. "My name is Jerry Parker. I will be helping you with your rocket."
After a lot of working, one year later, the rocket... was ready! The launch was filmed on TV. Willie's mom had her hand over her mouth for she was shocked that her own son would be walking on the moon. Finally, they started the countdown. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Lift Off! The rocket flew into the sky followed by a huge flame of fire. Bursting through the Earth's atmosphere, Willie reached space. The rocket disconnected from his ship. Stars lit up Willie's wide opened eyes. He thought that he was in a dream... so he slapped himself.
"Ouch! I sure ain't dreaming! This is real!" He nailed it -- Willie was living his dream that he had since he was ten years old. After he was in space for awhile, they stopped broadcasting it on TV. After a three-day journey, he reached the moon. He was back on television. He landed his ship on the moon. Everything was going great. The landing was perfect, and he was on the moon. Willie wanted to top Neil Armstrong. Neil jumped off of the ladder, but Willie did a back flip off of the top rung. That made NASA mad.
"Willie, there will be no fooling around up there."
"Don't worry, Houston, nothing harmful happened there."
Like Willie promised, he "waved his arms like a wild man." His mom touched the screen of the television to say hi back. Of course, Willie didn't notice. Well, after walking on the moon, Willie climbed into his spaceship and headed back to Earth. As Willie was flying his spaceship, one of his engines went out. The ship went very lopsided.
"Houston, we might have a problem," Willie said. After he said that, they stopped broadcasting it on television.
"Oh no," his mom said. "I can't see my baby boy anymore. I hope he makes it." Boom! Another engine blew! The ship started to spin and spin and spin in a spiral.
"Houston, this is not good!" Willie screamed while puking.
"Just hang in there, Willie! There's nothing we can do!" BOOM!! The last engine blew!
"Mayday, Houston, all engines are dead, I repeat, all engines are dead!" Willie screamed.
"Willie, there is a nearby space station," NASA said. "We have contacted them and they are hanging a rope down from the station. All you have to do is open the latch above you, jump, and you'll float right up to the rope!" Willie followed his orders and opened the latch. He saw the station right in front of him with the rope hanging down. He jumped... up, up, up he floated... but he missed the rope. He started to float right over the station.
"Houston, I have missed the rope! I repeat, I have missed the rope!"
"Willie! Come on!" The crew threw a rope out of the hatch on the roof of the station.
"Grab it! Grab it!" one man yelled from inside of the station. Willie swung his arms out in front of him and grabbed the rope.
"Hold on tight!" the man yelled. The zero gravity started to make him float away from the rope, but he held on with one hand. The man pulled him in with all of his might and, finally, Willie was inside.
"I can take you home on my spaceship," the man said."Oh, by the way, my name is Robert."
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Willie." Willie saw a pistol tied up to a table nearby.
"Um... what's... what's that for?" Willie stuttered.
"Oh that!" Robert said. "Don't be scared. I believe in aliens. You never know when one might come up to my station."
"Oh," Willie said still feeling suspicious. Willie was about to say something and then, BAM! Willie got punched in the face by Robert. Next thing Willie knew, he was floating at the top of the station.
"You're never going to see Earth again," Robert said.
"That's what you think!" Willie yelled and forced himself back to the floor. BAM! Willie returned Robert's punch with an even harder punch. Willie ran to the space ship, started the engines, and headed home.
"I guess you'll never see Earth again!" Willie yelled as he flew away. A couple days after traveling, the Earth was in sight. There was no way of contacting Houston so Willie was anxious to get home and surprise everybody. Next thing you know, Willie's ship was on fire, (in a good way, he was going through the atmosphere)!
"Sir, is that Willie?" one guy from NASA asked. "As a matter of fact it is!"
Willie put out his landing wheels and landing smoothly at NASA. Everyone at NASA shouted and cheered when Willie stepped off of that ship. Willie drove home and rang his mom's doorbell. She opened the door and her eyes went very wide.
"Willie!" she screamed. "You made it!" Willie and his family had a huge dinner party and Willie told them how walking on the moon was, he told them about Robert, and, last but not least, he told them that his dream had been fulfilled!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Chapter 9 Home

Chapter 9
Finally the canal was finished. The year was 1914 and a lot of sailors were going through the canal.
“Well Richard,” George said. “It has been an honor for you to work on this canal.
“Thank you George.” Richard went to his wagon and started on his long journey back home. Richard stopped for lunch at Aladino’s house. He knocked on the door and waited for Aladino. Aladino opened the door very fast with a rifle in his hands.
“Who is it!” he screamed. He lowered his rifle, “Richard! What a surprise! Just in time, I have lots of tacos and quesadillas ready to eat!”
“That’s exactly why I came here,” Richard said. “I had to have one of your taco one last time.” Richard ate the tacos and quesadillas and talked for a little. Then he was on his way to home again. It was very late when Richard got back to his apartment in New York. He walked in very quietly so Rachel wouldn’t wake up and think he was a burglar. He walked over to the bed and tapped on Rachel’s shoulder. She rolled over and her eyes got very wide.
“Richard!” She held up the letter.
“They had a little miss understanding,” Richard said. Rachel ripped up the letter and threw it in the garbage. She jumped up and hugged Richard very tightly.
“So the canal, is it finished?” she asked.
“Yes it is,” Richard replied. “It turned out very nice too.” Both Richard and Rachel went to bed and lived happily ever after; and Richard never went on a long journey without Rachel again.
The End
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