Aim! Fire! Boom! The British blasted their muskets at the Continental Army. This story takes place in 1812 during the War of 1812. “Hey Bob, I have an idea,” Rob said. “What?” Bob asked. “Maybe we can ask Dad to learn how to use a musket and join the war on the American’s side,” Rob said. Rob is older than Bob by two years. Rob is 17, and Bob is 15. Rob and Bob asked their dad to teach them how to use a musket so they could join the war. Their dad said they were old enough to join and they could go into the woods miles away and practice. Rob, Bob, and their dad all rode their wagon into the woods. All of a sudden the wagon hit a ditch and everyone got launched up in all different directions. Rob and Bob were close enough to find each other but their dad was nowhere in sight. “Great! The muskets and Dad are gone,” Rob said, starting to tear up. “Well, nothing we can do but find Dad,” Bob said. Rob and Bob were walking when they found a cave! “Oh God! It better not be a bear,” Rob said. “Let’s kill it,” he said. “Wouldn’t it be smarter to just walk past it?” Bob asked. “No,” Rob said. Rob found two logs about six feet tall and seven inches thick. Bob found twigs and two rocks. They both met behind a boulder close to the cave and set up a camp fire with the twigs. “Why did you want me to get two rocks again?” Bob asked Rob. “You’ll see,” Rob answered. Rob started banging the rocks together and it made a couple of sparks. “We’ll need bigger rocks,” Rob said. Bob went to get bigger rocks. He came back with two giant rocks. “That’ll work,” Rob said. Rob banged the rocks together just one time and it made a three foot fire. “Alright, stick your log in and let’s go kill the bear before it comes out at night and kills us while we’re sleeping,” Rob said. Rob and Bob sneaked up to the cave with their torches and booked in there screaming to kill the bear. Then they heard screaming, and it wasn’t a growl. It was a person dressed in leopard clothes, long brown hair, and a giant club. “I thought cavemen weren’t real,” Rob and Bob said at the same time. “Who said I’m fake?” The cave man said. “Kids. They think cave men are some type of animal! It just means that it is a human bean living in a cave… jerks.” “Wow! I never knew they were that mean,” Bob whispered. “Why did you come and ruin my peace and quiet anyways?” The cave man asked. “Sorry, we thought your cave was a bear cave. We didn’t want the bear to attack us,” Rob answered. “Well, it’s too bad you have to live in these foggy, cold, dark, and scary woods like me.” “Well, we actually live in a home a couple of miles away, but we came here with our dad and two muskets to shoot targets so we can join the war,” Bob said. “Huh, I found two muskets next two a smashed up wagon.” “Those are ours!” Rob said in a excited voice. “Well, take them and join the war,” The caveman said. Rob and Bob took the muskets and ran off. Everything was great until they started to starve. They made some targets and shot at them so they could become a good shot to hunt some food. For two days straight they missed every shot. They then started getting bulls-eyes for another two days straight. They went out and shot two squirrels. Rob and Bob were so hungry they each ate a whole squirrel. Luckily they found a map of the whole woods stapled on a tree. There was a red circle that said inside of it, “you are here.” “Well that’s helpful,” Rob said. They followed the lines on the map to the end of the woods. They followed it perfectly and escaped the dreadful woods. Their mom was so delighted to see them, but she started to cry when she heard that Dad was dead. They calculated and found out they were in the woods for two years. That means Rob is 19 and Bob is 17. They joined the war and survived for the whole war.
The End
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteThat was a very good story.
Paul, being lost like that must have been scary, but they were very brave!
ReplyDeleteNice story, Paul! There were some funny parts too!
ReplyDeleteMaybe, for your next story, you could break up the paragraphs / dialogue so that it's easier to read.
One of my favorite, but what Kasey said was right break it in to paragraphs it is kind of hard to read but it was my favorite