It was the next morning and everyone was picking up bodies in the blazing hot weather. Mack, George, and Mom were sleeping in the tent when a soldier came in and started to drag Lewis out. Mack woke up, “Goodbye Lewis.” “Sir, would you like to watch me bury him?” the soldier asked. “The bed has wheels.” “Alright, that sounds fine.” George pushed Mack out on the dirt path as they watched Lewis’s burial. As they filled up the hole with dirt, Mack said goodbye one last time.
It was a couple of months later and Mack was still in bed. Chris rushed in the tent with a cane. “Sir, I carved you a cane. If you use this, you’ll be able to start your journey today, or you can wait awhile just to get ready.” “Well, Chris, you and your army have been a great help, but I think we should start heading out today. We got to get this kid and his mother free,” Mack said. “Sounds good sir,” Chris said. “George, I carved you a cane also,” Chris said. “Mr. Chris, my leg doesn’t hurt though.” “Ah, so you say. That leg will get sorer than ever walking all the way up north.” “George, he’s a doctor, do what he says,” Mom said. “Fine, I’ll use it,” George said stubbornly. “Well, General, it’s been a great pleasure camping with you,” Mack said. “It’s been a great pleasure camping with you,” Grant said back. “Well, goodbye General,” Mom said. “Goodbye madam.”
Mack, George, and Mom were two hours into their journey when they heard a loud yell. Next, they heard someone ordering something (not in English). Last, but not least, they saw men dressed in feathers and cloth. “No, no, no, no,” Mack said. “Indians! Run!” George screamed. Mack, George, and Mom started to run their fastest when the Indians started to chase after them. The Indians had ferocious dogs on leash. They let them go and the dogs started to chase after George, Mack, and Mom. One of the dogs jumped on George and started biting him. “Get this thing off me!” George screamed. The dog was ripping through George’s clothes and another dog was biting George on the arm. An Indian came up and stole his cane for no reason. He just picked it up and chucked it. Mack and Mom didn’t even notice what was happening to George. Mack was walking as fast as he could on his cane, but the rate he was going, he was a goner. “Mack! Start running!” Mom screamed. “I can’t! There was a musket ball that hit my spine! Remember?” “Mom! Mack! Help me out!” George screamed. “George! Hang on!” Mom ordered. Mom booked over to where George and the dogs were. Mom tried to tackle the dogs but they just jumped on top of her. “Mom, are you nuts? That’s not gonna work. “Guys! The Indians are right behind you!” Mack screamed. The Indian Chief shot his bow and arrow at Mom. “Mom!” George screamed. George saw the arrow coming like it was in slow motion. Quickly, George pushed the dog on him up a tiny bit and next thing you know, the dog collapsed with an arrow sticking out of him. George got up and pulled the arrow out of the dog and stabbed the other dog with it. “Alright, Mom, Get up!” George screamed. George and Mom caught up to Mack and ran as fast as they could. Another arrow came zooming in. It was heading right towards Mack. Luckily, it went right over his shoulder. “Whoa!” Mack screamed. Another one came zooming in. This time, Mom fell with an arrow in her leg. “Mom! Are you okay?” George asked. “I’m fine. Just go without me.” “No, Mom, I got shot in the leg. I didn’t say to go without me. You got shot with an arrow in the leg. You can get up.” As soon as George finished saying that, he heard a gunshot and saw Mom close her eyes. “Mom, no!” George screamed. “George, I’m sorry, she’s dead. We must keep moving. “You’re right. I’ll miss her so much,” George said. “C’mon, we’ve gotta go,” Mack said. George and Mack got so far ahead that they hid in the woods and watched the Indians pass by. “Mack, you think my mom is looking down proud of me for leaving?” George asked Mack. “Only if she didn’t want to see her son dead. So the answer is, yes, she is very proud of you.” “Mack, I miss her already,” George started to bawl. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
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