Since Mack and George were up north, they started to look for a house to buy. Mack said George could live with him once they found a house. One day Mack came home from work and smiled at George. They lived in a little log hut that Mack made. It only had one room. “I found a house for fifty dollars,” he said. “It’s expensive, but we can afford it.”
“That’s great news!” George exclaimed jumping up and down.
“It is a two-story house with two bedrooms upstairs, and a living room, kitchen, and a dining room downstairs,” Mack said.
Two weeks later Mack and George started to settle into their new home. Someone knocked on the door. They looked out and saw a sheriff.
“Hi," Mack said. “How may I help you?”
“Let me get straight to the point,” the sheriff said. “This kid cannot sit around in this house all day. He has to work in the fields.”
“Why?” Mack asked, frustrated.
“He’s black.”
“What does that have to do with anything?!” Mack asked. His face was getting cherry red.
“Well, it doesn’t make any sense but it's because he’s black.”
“No, let me stop you right there!” Mack demanded. “Just because he was born with a different skin color, doesn’t mean he has no rights.”
“Sir, he’s supposed to be in slavery,” the sheriff said.
“Are you kidding me?” Mack asked. “What do you think the Civil War was for?”
“Sir, if you would just calm down.”
Slam! Mack slammed the door shut. George came downstairs.
“What did that guy want?”
Mack shrugged. "He was just some sales guy,” Mack lied. Right after Mack said that, a huge mob started to circle around the house with torches. Crash! The same sheriff threw a torch through the window and the house started to burn. Everyone else threw their torches on and in the house and it started to burn up real fast. Fire separated Mack and George and they couldn’t get to each other. George could get out through the window but Mack was trapped.
“George! Get out through the window and save yourself!” Mack ordered.
“I can’t leave you!” George screamed.
“Go now before it’s too late!”
“Thanks for everything, Mack, you’ve been the best friend I ever had,” George said. “I’ll miss you, Mack.” Mack was too sad to say anything. George jumped out of the window and saw the house fall. George lived on the street for a couple of weeks. One day as he walked through the town, a lady lured him into her house. George went inside.
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