Chapter 5
Another Dream
As Richard was lying in bed he started to fall asleep. He had another flashback. It started exactly where it ended from.
Richard helped Rachel to her feet.
“Bring me to my dad,” Rachel said. “He’s a doctor.” Rachel told Richard where she lived and Richard carried her all the way there.
“Rachel!” her dad screamed. “What happened?”
“She saved my life,” Richard said. Rachel’s dad looked at Richard confused. “I was about to get hit by a car and your daughter saved me.”
“Rachel, you did that for this nice young man,” Rachel’s mother butted in. Rachel nodded. Her mother smiled at Richard. Richard looked confused.
“Ma’am, did you hear wrong?” Richard asked. “Rachel did this for me.”
“I know, you just seem like a very nice boy,” she said. Rachel’s father looked directly at her mother.
“Don’t even think about it, Martha,” he said. Richard started to catch on.
“I think Rachel’s mom wants me and Rachel to get married when we get older,” he thought to himself.
“Get out boy,” Rachel’s father said. “Rachel needs to rest.”
Richard walked out of the house, meeting his friends right outside of the door.
“Wow!” one said. “A girl saved your life.”
“Your point?” Richard asked.
“Girls are stupid,” he said. Richard tackled his friend in anger.
“She saved my life!” Richard screamed. “The only one who’s stupid is you Carl!” Carl rolled Richard on his back and threw a punch.
“I get straight A’s in school and you know it!” Carl screamed. Richard rolled Carl on his back now and he punched Carl. Richard jumped up and walked away. When Richard left, Carl got up too.
“Get him!” he screamed. The five boys all chased after Richard. Now Richard was running fast. He found a police officer.
“Officer!” Richard screamed. “Those boys are trying to beat me up, I need help.” Richard stopped next to the officer feeling safe. When Richard’s friends got to where he and the officer were they stopped.
“Boys,” the officer said. “Time to go home.” Richard grinned directly at Carl. Carl stuck his tongue out at Richard.
“Thank you officer; I don’t know what I did,” Richard said. The officer grinned at Richard, but it was like the officer could read Richard’s mind. That grin was saying that he knew Richard did something to get those boys mad.
“Richard, Richard,” a nurse said. He woke up from his long dream. “You were out for two hours.”
Paul very good chapter. Very interesting.