Chapter Three: Matthew is now my Tutor
Things started to look up for me. I started to do well in all of my classes. Okay, most of my classes. I’m still having trouble in math; but English, history, and science I’m doing pretty well at. I have a 1.9 right now. If I can pick up in math, I’ll play in the MLB. Next Friday will decide it. There will be a big test for math. If I can get a B+ or higher, I’ll have a 2.3. I decided that every day I should go to bed at nine o’clock sharp. I need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed if I want to pass that test.
Matthew has been pulling pranks on me ever since we got into that fight in math class. Pranks like slamming his mashed potatoes into my face at lunch time. Or throwing my books into the toilet (he got suspended for that one). He even threw a baseball at me during my practice. Luckily it missed me. I’ve got to say, he has a terrible arm. If I want to pass this test, I need to be bold, walk up to him, and ask him to help me study. That’s what I’m going to do; tomorrow first thing before any of my classes start.
The sun is shining bright on this new day; the day that I am going to ask Matt to be my tutor. I walked up to the door of his room and knocked. I heard footsteps coming closer to the door. Once they stopped, there was a couple second pause and then the door opened.
“Hi Daniel,” he mumbled.
“Matthew, you seem disappointed to see me.”
“Why wouldn’t I be disappointed? You humiliated me in front of the whole class.”
“How did I humiliate you? You’re the one who blew me in and said that I didn’t study.”
“You called me Erwin.”
“So?” I said confused.
“I hate that name!” he yelled.
“Well, I’m sorry that I made you upset, but that’s not the reason I’m here.”
“Then why are you here disturbing my peace and quiet,” he said.
“Well… I need you to help me study for the test next week.”
“Hmm?” he wondered. “Let me think… NO!” Slam! The door shut. I sighed.
“Matthew. Come on, I need you.” The door opened slowly.
“Did… did you say that you need me? Did you say that?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why…”
“Oh thank-you so much!” he said lunging toward me for a hug.
“Whoa!” I exclaimed. “I’m not much of a hugger.” He paid me no mind and kept on hugging.
“Thank-you so much Daniel. I… don’t cry that often but… I think… I think that I am going to… you know… cry.
“No please don’t cry,” I begged. I managed to get Matt to stop hugging me, but I couldn’t keep him from crying.
“I mean…” he continued crying. “You… I thought that you were mean… but… you can’t possibly be mean after… after you say something like that.”
“I know,” I said. “It’s awfully sweet of me.” I started to shoo him back into the door.
“You’re so nice… you’re so nice. I need a tissue,” he sniffled. “I need…” Slam! This time I shut the door.
“Hmm?” I said. “I take that as a yes.”
Paul Great Chapter! Can't wait till Monday!