On July 4Th, it was perfect weather out for Independence Day. It was sunny, clear skies, and zero percent rain. A kid named Alex was just playing with his friends when he saw trees falling over in the distance. Alex was extremely puzzled. All of a sudden out of nowhere a monstrous monkey got catapulted high up in the sky and then it smacked the ground. The monkey stood up and punched someone so hard they flew into the distance. "That dude is really grim," Alex exclaimed. The monkey was already twenty feet tall until he escalated to fifty feet. The monkey started to babble something in Spanish. "He's Mexican! We need a translator!" someone screamed. Next thing you know someone who was Mexican came to see what the monkey was saying. "He say that he loathes all of you," the Mexican guy said in his accent. "Great, the monkey is fifty feet tall and he hates us," another person said. "We all need to pitch in to abolish the monkey!" someone suggested. "Yeah!" the whole crowd agreed. "I'm not too optimistic about this call," Alex said. "I mean that's a giant character." The crowd begged Alex to help fight the monkey and he said yes. Everyone turned around to fight the monkey but the monkey was passed out. "HMM, the monkey's already dead," someone said. Everyone started to jump on the monkey in excitement but that roused the monkey to his feet. "He was only passed out, run for it!" Alex screamed. The crowd ran in a panic. They saw someone in a house who was trying to harbor them. "This is just a makeshift shelter. Once the monkey comes here you guys need to leave so the monkey doesn't eat me," the guy said. "Well you're such a brave fellow," Alex said sarcastically. "Hey I am in great agony, my dog just ripped up my favorite stuffed animal," he said. Yes, I'm an adult and I play with stuffed animals so don't even ask." "I denounce your cowardice," Alex said. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it: and while you're at it, get out of my house!" the guy demanded. "I've got a plan," Alex said. After about ten minutes Alex found a giant banana. He waved around so much the monkey started to drool. Finally, Alex threw the banana into a tree with gorilla glue all over it. The monkey jumped into the tree and ate the banana. After he was finished he figured out that he was glued to the tree. The monkey squirmed and squirmed trying to get out but he was stuck. Alex called the army. The army came and tied the monkey to a rope connected to a helicopter. They dropped the monkey into the Pacific Ocean and he was never to be found again.
Paul, great monkey picture! Very funny story. Mom.
ReplyDeleteI really like this story, Paul! I think it's funny that the monkey spoke Spanish!
ReplyDeleteVery Mexican